Farewell to 2017. Hello 2018.
Happy New Year!
Man…2017 was a year of a lot of change for the Ho-Heinichen household. Ups and downs…but to be honest, far more ups than downs. I think, despite my current mood, that this year will actually go down as one of the best we’ve ever had. Twas monumental, actually.
I’m ending this year struggling. This book has been a struggle, and I think I realized fully how much I was struggling with it today. It’s not how I wanted to end this year, to be sure, but it is the truth. I have…thinking to do. And I’m getting help. I’ve spent long enough spinning my wheels on the writing full time front to recognize that I need help.
So, that happens tomorrow. Well, tomorrow’s New Years Day, so probably Tuesday. But, yeah. Wish me luck. We’ll see what the people I reached out to say.
Madness, guys, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I’ve been doing the same things over and over, it seems, and getting one result whilst always hoping for another. It’s not a good formula for success, madness.
So…2018 is about bidding adieu to the madness.
More on all of that in the days to come. For now, Happy New Year, and thank you 2017 for being everything you were, challenges and all.