Day 1,437: 

Day 1,437: 

Today was supposed to be a kickass writing day, and instead it turned into a mediocre editing day. Sigh. I wish I was more disciplined, I really do. Scratch that…I wish my journey toward being more disciplined was moving faster. There were too many distractions...
Day 1,436: A pattern

Day 1,436: A pattern

I’ve noticed a pattern, you guys. I have one killer day on the writing front, and then a very bad-to-mediocre day the next day, and then the pattern repeats itself. That happened today. It’s rather infuriating…unless I just decide that it’s...
Day 1,435: Don’t be a creeper

Day 1,435: Don’t be a creeper

The Ho and I watched the very pretty, very problematic Passengers tonight and there was one very, very clear takeaway from that movie: don’t be a creeper. It’s honestly not giving anything away about that movie, given that this happens within the first 20 minutes or...
Day 1,434: UCB, MLB, and NFL

Day 1,434: UCB, MLB, and NFL

Man, I didn’t think about it really till just now, but I had a day full of acronyms. We just got back from seeing one Liz’s castmates in Disjointed at UCB. She’s so freaking funny, and her improv is pretty much the only improv that I’ll go to and KNOW that I’m going...
Day 1,433: Weddins

Day 1,433: Weddins

Jake Bern got married today! Jake has been a friend of Liz’s for a long, long time now. Almost 10 years, I think. I’ve known him for just about as long, and he’s been together with Brooke for almost that long, too. He’s a very charismatic guy, at home in a crowd of...