I scream. You scream. We all scream for Ice Cream.

Especially Wolfie today, who got not one, but TWO scoops of ice cream! That little schemester.

We picked Mr. Wolfgang up from pre-school and took him to the Ice Cream parlor because that was our promised present for his birthday. The Ho and I have taken to treating the King kids to experiential presents rather than physical ones lately. They have so much stuff, that household. It seemed only fair to try and reduce that and still give the kids something they’ll love and remember. Plus, Liz and I get to really have fun in the process, too.

Wolf wanted vanilla. First time he got it in a bowl with sprinkles and waffle cone bits. Then he wanted it waffle cone.

And THEN, we went on the freaking cutest walk around Los Feliz I think I’ve ever taken…we went in search of as many leaves as we could find. Uuuuugghhhhhh this kid. He’s SO FREAKING CUTE. He was *fascinated* by all the different leaves, and their colors and textures. And we met a golden retriever named Dillon, who sat like a sweetheart and let us pet her (yes, it was a her)…and then another smaller dog whose name I can’t remember, but he give us kisses on our hands. We also did some running and racing, and then we finally ended up at the library, where we read for a little while and waited for mom to come and pick him up.

What a day!

I actually feel a bit under the weather right now. I hope I’m not coming down with something new…feels weird. Not sure that’s what it is…but whatever. I’m not going to stress about it, to be honest. If I get another cold, I get another cold. We’ll deal with it. Just going to try and get some good rest.

I got to see the Warriors beat the Rockets tonight. That was fun. The played some Zelda on the switch. I’m a fan of that game, yo. I like it a lot. I’ll have to try Mario Odyssey too here some day soon, and see how much I like that game. But, Zelda seems to be the consensus “this is the best game” right now…we’ll see. Still playing some Mario Kart, too. Getting my 3-star trophies on all the different Grand Prix’s. I’m one away from finishing 100cc…then onto 150, mirror, and then 200! 🙂

Good night!