Making this one quick. It’s 1am because my whole sleep sched is off due to the sickness.

I read today, which was nice. I haven’t in a couple months because I’d been so focused on writing. I shouldn’t ever stop doing stuff like that because of writing…it’s not a recipe for success.

Discovery aired tonight, and my social circle has pretty much unanimously rejected it. Even those who liked the show before. Not everyone, there are certainly exceptions, and the widespread consensus seems to be that the thrust of this next “chapter” is a fun one…but not amongst my social media group. I will say this: for the first time, the show has a clear mission to me that makes sense. I’ll give them that…which isn’t saying much, to be honest, given how freaking confused I’ve been up to this point. But, it’s a shame that they’re re-treading over ground that has been covered, and covered, and covered again.

It’s not the dark tones, or the decision to populate the show with very flawed characters that I have a problem with at ALL. There are soooo many shows from this golden age of serialized television that have shown us those kinds of choices can be fascinating. My problem with the show remains the execution: I don’t care about anyone on that ship. Tilly, maaayyybbe? It’s also so frenetic with the pacing that almost every scene has to contain exposition, which means we have scene after scene of info-dumping, and not any actual real arguments between characters that MEAN something, or have subtext or realism of any kind. Then, finally, and this was something the show suffered from tonight, and had been on the tip of peoples’ tongues from the outset: the mirror universe has been done before, guys. To death. It’s not fresh. It’s not cool. It’s old, and it’s tired.


It’s just not a very good show. I watch out of curiosity. I wished I liked it, I really do. It feels like a waste.

On the upside: I’m hopeful I might feel better tomorrow 🙂

Good night!

Artwork tonight is from Gerardo Renart Fernandez.