Day two, the final day, of the Smarter Artists Summit has come and gone. It was dope, guys. Very happy with my experience at this conference, super happy with all my new writer friends, and damnit, it sucks to be saying bye to them all. I had a really, really good time. Yes! 🙂
Faces to names. It’s amazing. Really, truly amazing. Writing can be such a solitary process, and having a Facebook group really doesn’t cut it. It’s not the same as actually meeting someone face to face, getting to feel their personality and their vibe, and figuring out who your tribe is. It’s the best.
So, yeah. Short entry tonight because it really is time for bed and I have a flight to get up for in the AM…but I’m glad I came out here, I’m incredibly grateful for all the people I got to meet and all the wisdom I got to absorb…and happy to be heading home tomorrow! 😛 I miss you bear! Coops, Coco, stay fluffs for me!