We watched Deadpool 2 tonight, and…
…I shall SAVE my thoughts for the review 😛 Mwahahahaaa. Stay TUNED.
Otherwise I had another one of those days where things kind of slipped away from me. I made some choices that kept me away from the writing chair…not gonna happen tomorrow. Putting it here in black and white, it’s not going to happen tomorrow. My writing will have to happen in the evening based on my schedule, but it IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
I hope these past two days haven’t made me lose momentum…although you know what? Maybe they have, and I guess that’s okay. I’ll find it again. It’s obviously part of the deal with me: sometimes I’m rolling, and sometimes I’m not.
I really do feel that confident in my routine now: I sit down, put on the meditation thing on Brain.FM and use 15 minutes to clear my mind, and then I write for 30 minutes straight. Works. Every. Time. I have that tool now in my toolbag, and I can use it to re-discover my momentum.
So…that’s what I shall focus on tomorrow.
Tonight, it’s sleep. Cheers! 🙂