There’s a new idea floating around in my head, and to be honest, I’m a bit scared of it…

I’m looking at the 136,000 words that my novel is right now, and I’m thinking “jesus, I have enough words for two books,” and a light bulb is going off in my head that maybe I have two books. And there’s a clear split, too…one storyline becomes one book, and the other storyline becomes the second. It’s doable…

But, it also a bit scary. This story wasn’t conceived as two separate books, and I built in complementary, parallel structure to each half…I’m scared it wouldn’t work to separate them. But, it also might.

At this point, it’s also a distraction. I need to focus on finishing.

But, the idea is now in my head, and it might stick. This trilogy might become a quadrilogy. Why not? There are no rules any more, guys.

We’ll see.

So, my podcast Two Guys One Trek was nominated for a podcasting award, and I spent some time today putting together the submission package for that. That was something to check off my list. I also switched over everything from “Inbox” by Google back to regular old Gmail, since “Inbox” seems to be on its way out of favor. Two things checked off my to-do list.

I’ve really been languishing on the to-do list front. I’ve been bad about it all year. I want to be better at it, but damn, every time it comes to an “off” day, I am just so fucking tired. I need to be better at it. I will be better at it.

Part of it starts with working out. I know that. So…you know what? I’m working out tomorrow come hell or high water. It’s happening. So is writing 4,000 words.

Which means it’s time for bed.

So…good night 🙂