I had another 3,000-word day. The book, it grows.

It’s at 142,000 words, which is long enough now for an epic fantasy. It’s not going to stay that long. It’s going to either be pared down, or it’s going to be split into two novels. Leaning towards the second option there.

See…this week was rough, because I’m almost done with this first draft of the book, FINALLY…and I’m realizing still how many problems the book has. It’s going to be *a lot* of work to fix those problems, and that’s daunting. BUT…I really, truly do think that there is enough story in these 150,000 words worth keeping that would make two books actually work. I do. It wouldn’t just be dragging out the muddy middle. There are some GOOD reasons the book is this long as it is, some relationships and challenges that need the breathing space, you know? Of course you don’t, nobody has read the book yet 😛

It’s almost done.

A few days, and I’ll be celebrating for the briefest of moments, sending it off for my inner-est circle of readers to read before I change a good 50% of it out from under them (though the beginning and end of the story will remain much the same, and exactly the same in terms of large plot points)…and then diving right into the next phase of hard work: making it WORK. Rewriting.


I chose to do this. Why?

Honestly; it is rather daunting and exhausting. I wish I could work faster.

That’s all I have for you tonight. That’s what’s on my mind. Except, that the A’s won, I had a wonderful time hanging out with my wife on the walk with the dogs and afterward for dinner…and she and Coco are leaving town tomorrow for a couple days and I will miss them.
