What a week, you guys. What a week.
I’m not quite done yet, but I’ve already written more this week than I think I ever have, ever. 14,500 words. A quarter of this rewrite. Done.
I definitely hit a little bit of a wall today, but I actually think that wall was more *story* related than it was fatigue. I actually feel quite good. Some neck soreness and some leg soreness from the way that I’m sitting…but I can adjust those.
Man, that is the next thing to try and figure out: working out. Taking care of my body. THAT is going to be a challenge…I have not seemed to be able to figure that out ever since I started working from home. It’s been so hard, and so overwhelming just to figure out how to get done everything I want to get done.
But…I CAN do it. I can. I know I can. It’s just a matter of figuring out the headspace around it. That’s my barrier, not any objective scheduling or physical inability. It’s that, and figuring out my daily reading and marketing. Oof.
One thing at a time, though. One thing at a time. I do feel like the marketing stuff kind of takes care of itself, actually; I do what needs to be done when it NEEDS to be done. I’m pretty confident that once I have books to market, I will be *fascinated* with marketing them. I really do.
Okay…so, yeah: today was a good day. I hit that wall, and I had to step away and mull over what I knew wasn’t right. I think I figured it out. At the very least, I feel like I figured it out enough to move on, and have my characters move on.
We’ll see when I sit down to write tomorrow. I have to hit around 1500 words over the weekend. That’s only an hour’s worth of writing. So, I’ll split that up between the two days, half hour tomorrow, and a half hour on Sunday, and I will have written 16,000 words in a week. Holy shit. It’s really, truly amazing.
I am definitely still figuring out the headspace of writing so fast, though. It’s…overwhelming at times to be working through the story so quickly. I definitely used to pecking away at it, little by little. That method isn’t in any way superior, however. I used that method on the last draft of this book and struggled mightily. Far more than I am with this current draft. I guess I’m really just struggling with not shitting the bed on a series that, well, I’ve never written a series before. There are pitfalls and mistakes all around me. It’s hard to avoid them, and hard to pick myself up after falling into one.
Anyway…it was an amazing week. The story is…making progress.