We’re home.
We leave again this coming weekend, but it’s nice to be home for now.
I have a shiiiiit-ton of writing to do this week. Sigh. And I’ll do it. I really will. Just need to get in there and get my hands dirty. And I will!
We have to buy a new car…which kinda sucks, to be honest, but we’re making the best of it. We’ve found what car we want, and we’re getting a good idea on what’s a good price for it. We actually went and test-drove one tonight and got to haggling with the local car lot. They didn’t come down to what we’d like, so we’re going to continue searching.
We wanted to try and have it for this trip up north that we’re taking, but that may not happen. Seems like there’s actually more options for what exactly we want up in the Bay rather than LA, which is weird, but whatever. We’ll find ourselves a good deal. Looking forward to the new car. Not looking forward to the cash we’ll have to spend to get it. Uuuuggghhh.
Had a wonderful morning with Scaddie. We went and ate donuts together for breakfast–they were so freaking good–and then hung out for a bit at their apartment before they dropped us off at the airport. Love you guys if you read this! And I love you guys even if you don’t 😛 Really, truly wish that we lived up there with them…but at least they’re on the west coast now, and we can visit pretty easily!
Then it was fly home, unpack, eat some food and take a bit of a breather (watched the A’s squander a 4-run lead over Houston 🙄), and then it was car stuff car stuff car stuff. Oh! And theeeeennn we went over the Arg and Kristen’s house to pick up Cooper, and they regaled us with their exploits over the past few days. Coops was a hit at the office where Kristen works, and Arg had a very exciting trip that’s, well, not my story to tell. But it was fun to hear about.
And now…bed time. Glad to be home. Miss Portland and Mike and J and Scott and Addie already.