Coops has a really itchy spot on his back, right along his spine, that I’ve been scratching for him lately. What I do is put my other hand along his belly so that when his little leg gets going whilst I scratching, it doesn’t actually scratch his skin, it goes up against my hand.

Coco, over on her side of the bed is mowing down on a Whimzee. It’s been so long since she ate one! And she destroyed it tonight. So, I thought her recent recalcitrance with the dental treats has been the ridges and stuff on them, based on what part of her new bones she’s been eating–the smooth parts–but now…I’m wondering if maybe she’s just getting bored of them.

Anywho…that’s the rundown on the pups.

Today, as expected, was a struggle. I just…didn’t feel like myself today. And then we got sucked into watching the last four episodes of The Haunting of Hill House. That show…is fun enough to watch. I won’t take that away from it. But, it’s also not great. By a loooong shot.

Time for bed. I just went through our wedding book with the bear. It was so pretty. I remember that day so clearly. It’s still so fresh in my mind. Uuuuuggghhh. I want to go back to Maui!

That’s all for tonight. Mwah. Tomorrow is going to be BETTER.