Two paths diverged in the wood…
Here’s the thing about that poem: there are never just two paths. That’s what makes life so hard. There are always a multitude of possible choices, a plethora of paths if you’ll indulge me and keep that eye roll to yourself, please. Thank you.
I’m contemplating the next step. Where to go from here. And I mean in terms of my writing, and my professional life, and finances…all those things thrown into turmoil together, because they’re dominoes. They fall into each other. They don’t exist in isolation. Nothing in life does. Hence…the diverging paths.
I don’t really feel like getting too specific, so I suppose I have to leave it at that. My mind is just swirling right now with what to do, where to go, what step to take next? What do I want? How should I get it?
I got to hang out with Josh today. We drank beer, talked life, and watched Deep Space Nine. We both agreed that Dax and Sisko don’t have chemistry together. Their relationship, “hey old man,” it just never really feels real. It’s not sister-brother, it’s not a bromance, and it’s not even the Picard-Beverly spark where you’re like “those two have history…I could see them together some day.” None of that. Julian Bashir is also clunky AF early on, and Kira is all aboard the anger train, woot woot.
On the other hand, we agreed that soooo many regulars on that show are fully formed. Quark is the man we see the very instant he comes on screen. Oof too, though his makeup lagged behind. And man if Sisko isn’t exactly as we see him in that first episode for the next seven years…it’s amazing. Fully formed. Garak, too. Instantly fascinating. His first episode is #3, where the Duras sisters show up. What an intro!
That show is so good.
Anyway…it was fun to watch it today. We had a blast. We also decided that Picard replaced O’Brien (also instantly amazing, tho he’d been a character in Trek for years before joining DS9) with a younger woman, who we see on the bridge as he’s about to leave. Miley McBrien. And Miles was very threatened by that. It made us laugh for a good couple hours.
Tomorrow is a work day. A writing day. And then some tennis in the eve. Wish me luck. Good night!
Artwork tonight is from Tanino Liberatore.