Two chapters away. Maybe three. The manuscript is at 98,000 words. It’s finally, finally coming together. Still work to do, for sure. This rewrite will be a beast, methinks…but it’s coming together. What needs to be fixed, and how, is getting clearer.

It’s a relief, to be honest. It’s taken me a long time to get here. And I’m not there yet. But, still…it feels nice. Hopefully tomorrow is the day.

This writing at night has been good. Or, evening, I guess. I dig it.

Damn. There was something else I was going to write about tonight, but now I can’t remember.

Today was a good day! I still feel a bit raw over the ruminations of the week, but it didn’t really affect my mood today.

I am tired, though. And it’s bed time, so let’s call it a night.

Oh! One thing: I got to talk to my bro tonight walking the dogs, and that was awesome. Long talk. Good talk. Love you, bro!

Night, y’all.

Artwork tonight is from Geoffrey Gersten.

Ps – last night, the Ho and I were going through all the Bond films, and we came up with a new song: “Live and eat pie!” 😂