Hit another mile marker on the road to “finished” today: I completed the rough draft of Starstuff 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Deja vu? Quite.
See, I’ve finished a rough draft of this particular story twice before. This is the third “rough draft.” And…it shall be the FINAL rough draft. Lol. “Final” rough draft…that sounds ridiculous. But it’s not! From here, I do a rewrite, and I do mean an actual rewrite. Not a reconstruction from the ground up.
That process is daunting for sure, but that’s not how I feel about it today. Today I feel excited, genuinely excited to roll up my sleeves and dig into this thing and fix it. Lots to do! So much…
First, though, I’m taking a little side trip into a novella about one of the main characters from the first book. I owe that to my VIP mailing list, and it will help oodles with giving away free books as a reader magnet. I intend it to be a good reader magnet, too. This version that’s going out to my mailing list will almost certainly be rough. I’ll have to go through and rewrite and polish this one, too…but it’ll be another mile marker passed to just get it written.
Oof. I am exhausted. It’s time for sleeps.
What a day. I finished. Finally. I’m so happy.
Good night.