Day 1,808: Big Dreams

Day 1,808: Big Dreams

Oof. Today was a bit of a sh*t show. It was just one of those days, you know, where nothing goes to plan? Everything is stressful. Everything is harder than it needs to be. Le sigh. It happens! I’m glad it’s over, and at the very least, I was finally able...
Day 1,807: Plot Holes and Open Loops

Day 1,807: Plot Holes and Open Loops

Still sick. Le sigh. But, we push forward. We persist. I might have pushed a bit too hard today. I was feeling better. I walked the pups, I did a bit of cleaning, I did a walkthrough for a unit in our building with the Ho…and it earned me a fever in the evening...
2018 Movie #61: Castle in the Sky

2018 Movie #61: Castle in the Sky

‘Twas Miyazaki night number three, and his third feature film City in the Clouds was on the menu. It’s rather amazing to me how good his films are, right off the bat. We’ve already seen some range: a daring adventure, a grand epic. What does...
Day 1,806: Sleeeeep

Day 1,806: Sleeeeep

Sooo much sleep. Today was a fever day. Fevers are just the worst, aren’t they? Finally broke a bit tonight whilst I was hanging out with the Ho, but now it’s back. I’m thinking that Friday is my day. I’ll feel better on Friday. Sure hope so!...
Day 1,805: Sick Day Part Deux

Day 1,805: Sick Day Part Deux

Ahhhh…the fever has set in. Big time. The suck, it has begun. I did a bit of writing. Gonna do that even throughout all this sickness. Just to keep the ball rolling for when I’ve recovered. Coco is *chomping* away at her dental treat. She doesn’t get...