I had a great work day today.

I submitted to this workshop/seminar thing that I’d been hemming and hawing about. I was listening to a podcast this morning that really galvanized me to at least apply. It’s not that I don’t think I’ll be accepted–if not for this particular one, then perhaps another–it’s rather that I was really going back and forth on the investment itself.

It’s training for developmental editors, essentially. And I’ve never really considered being an editor before. But, the more I’ve thought about it, the more I realize that’s something I *love* doing, and I do it alllll the time. I’m quite literally doing it on a constant basis; that’s what Josh and I do with our podcasting, we break down the story and figure out what worked and what didn’t work.

Obviously being an editor is not the same as podcasting. Duh. I know this. Editing is *work*. But I just kind of had an epiphany today that working with story like that is something I’ve always enjoyed doing, and it’s a very valuable, monetizable skill.

I can’t remember exactly what it was in the podcast that made me have that epiphany, but it was nice.

Work was good today. Writing was even better. I did an hour before work, and an hour after, just like I was supposed to, and I flew through writing down these plot notes.

I feel so much less pressure to get the fixes down perfectly this time doing the revision process. I remember agonizing over these post-it notes with ideas on how to fix things. This time, for whatever reason, I’m just writing down what comes to mind and then moving on. Part of the process is touching a certain area, brainstorming, and then moving on to come back and then brainstorm some more, and then repeat the process. That will happen four times with these post-its, one each for Plot, Character, Setting and Miscellaneous…and then another four more times as each area is addressed with the actual typed-in revisions.

The process works me through my manuscript enough times that I don’t have to get it right all in any one pass. I have the other passes to fill in the gaps, to have the better ideas, to let the story sink into my subconscious and be fully mapped out in my brain.

I dig it.

That’s all I have for you tonight except to say that the Warriors won. Steph is back. It’s amazing how much better they are with him on the court. Truly amazing.

Good night!

Artwork tonight is from Syd Mead.

Oh! And speaking of artwork…I sold my “old” iPad Pro tonight for a really solid price to an artist who was just super excited to have it. I’ve honestly had amazing luck selling my Apple products on Craigslist. They hold so much of their value. It truly is amazing.
