I need to re-focus tonight.

It was a missed day of writing. Le sigh.

It started with getting up late. Just late enough so that I only had about 30 minutes of time before work started to handle writing stuff. I had emails to write, and so I did those instead of working on my manuscript. It was a trap I set for myself, and I fell right in.

I kind of expected today to be a bit rough. It was a long, intense weekend. I was tiiiired today. At the end of the work day, I was struggling to keep my eyes open, which is problematic because my work desk I’ve kind of claimed is right by the elevators…meaning everyone and I mean everyone walks past me 😂 I did it. I kept them open.

I was actually super productive for the day on that side of things. We, as a group, are going to hit our goals I think. Barring disaster, we definitely will. So, that’s encouraging.

But I was so sleepy, I came home “early” by leaving at 5:30 rather than writing, and I slipped into bed with the Coco and slept for an hour and a half. I’m *still* tired. But…better. Tomorrow will be better.

Which brings me back to re-focus:

Tomorrow, the plot post-it’s need to be finished. That’s my goal, come hell or high water.

Wish me luck 🤓

And that also means sleep. Night!