Just got home from playing a MarioKart bonanza at Scaddie’s.

They invited over another friend couple they had they knew played Switch, and we all had fun careening around the courses of MarioKart together. I have come to accept the fact that Scott is better than I am 😂 That’s no surprise, to be honest. He’s always been really, really good at video games.

Coops just went under the bed. That’s his new clubhouse, especially when we’re fixing to leave him home. He hides under there. Oh, but he just came out, and he’s going to sleep on the little bed that I made for him. He dug at it, and actually just made it more cozy. He usually does the exact opposite. He usually takes something cozy, and ruins it so that I have to go and fix it for him. Not this time!

We had a woooonderful day today. We spent the daylight pretty much just together. We went down to the airport area and did a little shopping, got Liz added to the rental car, and had some food together.

After that, we came home and fed the pups and took a nap, and then it was already sundown, so I took them out for a walk and met up with Scott and Addie to walk around the neighborhood.

Then, it was hanging at our Air BnB for a little bit, and they went home, and then we walked over for dinner and MarioKart with their friends Hannah and Adam. They were so nice! We had loads of fun.

Tomorrow…let’s see, I think we’re going to watch Aquaman…not sure what our other plans are. I really do need to get on these expense categories. Uuuugghhhh. That’s the plan, I think. Wake up at a decent hour and get them done.

Wish me luck.