Day 1,879: A Twist

Day 1,879: A Twist

There was a twist today in our holiday plans. Liz had to fly out of town to handle some biz, so I’m up here with the pups now. We took it pretty easy today after the morning rush. Napped. Played some MarioKart. Got some food from the grocery store. But, it ended...
Day 1,878: Kart

Day 1,878: Kart

Just got home from playing a MarioKart bonanza at Scaddie’s. They invited over another friend couple they had they knew played Switch, and we all had fun careening around the courses of MarioKart together. I have come to accept the fact that Scott is better than...
Day 1,877: Fooood

Day 1,877: Fooood

Today kinda revolved around food. We woke up and met Julianne at this breakfast spot called Zell’s. It was reaaalllyyy good. They had German pancakes there, which I’ve never had, and they were delish. They’re pretty eggy, and kind of like a collapsed...
Day 1,876: Christmas Can Begin

Day 1,876: Christmas Can Begin

Christmas festivities may now commence. I haven’t been “feeling” the holidays yet. Not because I’m all “bah-humbug” or anything like that. No, I just mean that it hasn’t felt like Christmas up to this point. Not yet, anyway....
Day 1,875: Packed

Day 1,875: Packed

We’re all packed and ready to head up for the great Pacific Northwest. I had to get myself a new suitcase! I’d *completely* forgotten that my trusty old Ricardo suitcase that my mom literally bought for me from Gottshalks when I was graduating from Junior...