I busted through this week’s new Film School podcast in like 45 minutes today! What a difference prepping this podcast as opposed to Two Guys One Trek!
TG1T is edited down, and contains a lot of different outside clips I have to pull together to get it all polished and interesting and uptempo. Each episode of that podcast takes me a legit 5-6 hours to produce, and that’s AFTER recording it.
Not Film School. Film school is a bit more raw, and simultaneously less planned and strict, and MORE planned, since we’re switching off doing research on the movies we’re watching. We’ll see how the audience reacts to that format, but right now at least, it makes producing the show much, muuuuch easier. And since we’re doing this weekly as opposed to in big batches, it’s much more handle-able.
It was more of the grind today. I did another full day of work for Netflix at home, and I’m in bed early again so that I start off the week right and not super tired. Took a shower. Paid the bills. Gonna review my projects and to-do list here after I write this.
And then sleep.
The goal of finding my rhythm this week in my writing is still forefront on my mind.
So, here, we’re going to create a mental picture of exactly how I want my writing to go tomorrow morning:
I want to get to work early enough to sit down with my Orange Juice and my banana over in the far north room of my floor, on the couch, with the white face pillow on my lap, my Bose headphones on, and meditate for 15 minutes. And then, after meditation, I will write for 25 minutes and I’ll take it nice and slow, and just write what I see.
Then I will take a break for five minutes, stretch, make sure I’m awake, and then I’ll sit back down and write for another 25 minutes to end my morning session. I will not focus on getting to a specific goal in my scene, but I will not be surprised to look down and see that I’ve written more than half of the opening chapter.
And in the evening, before I head home from a work day in which I finished everything I needed to finish, I will repeat the process of meditating for 15 minutes to clear my head and get in the zone, and I will write for another 25 minutes, stop for 5 to stretch and move for a minute, and then back into the headphones for one final session in which I won’t have set a specific word or story goal, but I won’t be surprised to see that I’ve finished the first chapter.
And that will feel awesome.
I’m excited about tomorrow.
Good night.