Day 1,900: flibbety flabbety

Day 1,900: flibbety flabbety

Flargle fungle y’all. I. Am. WIPED. Working a 50-hour work week is no joke, yo…but it’s that gooood tired. I got so much done this week, it’s insane. And as tired as I am, and I am tiiired, I was up today and focused and energetic to start my...
Day 1,899: Perfect Evening

Day 1,899: Perfect Evening

Y’all, I just spent a perfect evening with my wife. I drove home from work and traffic wasn’t too bad (victory!). I picked her up outside, and we went straight to Pho So 1, our favorite pho place. We had to wait a few minutes for a table, but nothing bad,...
Day 1,898: Over There

Day 1,898: Over There

Quick one tonight because it’s already bed time, so here goes: Great writing sesh this morning. I’m fully into the new project I’m working on and worried about finishing on time…but I have faith. I can do it. Then Josh and I podcasted...
Day 1,897: The Case of the Missing Wallet

Day 1,897: The Case of the Missing Wallet

Guys. I couldn’t find my wallet today. I had to leave the house without it. And Liz didn’t come across it all day at home. I feared the worst… I came home, and slowly started going over the places I remembered I’d been the night before. The...
Day 1,896: Pats for the Pets

Day 1,896: Pats for the Pets

I’ve always loved petting animals. Always. As long as I can remember, I’ve loved just sitting down with my cat or my dog, beside them or with them on my lap, and just petting and scratching them for 20, 30 minutes at a time. When I was a kid, I dreamed of...