Tomorrow is my last day at Netflix for at least a week 😂
I wouldn’t be surprised if I was back working again within a month or two. There always seems to be work to do there, you know? But, in the meantime, I have some writing to do…
I feel better about my writing, you guys. I really, really do. It’s all going to get done. It truly is. I don’t have Escape From Red Tower solved yet, but I’m deciding not to stew in that temporary failure. I’m going to continue working, and that has reinvigorated me. So. Much. I’m excited to write.
Do I worry that the excitement is just “shiny new project” excitement? Of course. But what the fuck can I do about that, you know? I’ll cross that bridge if I ever come to it.
This next book I’m writing, I’m approaching it like I’ve been told I should for a long time now: read first. Write second. It’s really eye-opening. And it’s also incredibly satisfying to be “reading” these books in audio form. I can read and do other things at the same time. Genius. The best ever. Why has it taken me so long to get into audiobooks.
Game changer for me: around summer of last year, I realized that I could speed up the narration to the speed that my brain actually WORKED. The speed of conversation, or of a movie. Faster even than I think I can read with my eyes. And hugest bonus of them all: it meant I could read a “13 hour book” in, like, 7.5 hours. Half the time. For an efficiency/productivity freak like me, that’s a GAME. CHANGER.
I love audio books. They’re just as good as reading. Maybe even better.
Do you listen to audio books?
I’m on a credit plan with Audible. 1 credit a month. I might have to up that if I keep running through books like this. It’s excellent for research. We’ll see.
Liz is rocking things right now on the acting front. It was an insanely busy week. So proud of her. Pilot season is always stressful, and she’s doing great work. As she always does, but still 😛 Very proud.
I guess the last thing that comes to mind for the day is that I keep seeing our listener numbers grow for Film School, which is so satisfying to see. All on its own. Just organically. We haven’t heard from anyone listening to the show just yet beyond a couple people we already know…but we know you’re out there. I can see you guys and gals listening.
We’ll “launch” the show fully very soon. Artwork is coming this weekend, I think. We just got our theme song licensed earlier this week. Josh and I will meet a few extra times once I get back from Nashville to bank some episodes…I’m excited. I’m going to learn how to work the podcast algorithms this year. Get this show on TOP 🙂