Has to be a quick one tonight. I need to get a good night’s sleep so I can wake up on time tomorrow and get to work on time, and get in the solid hour of writing in I want to.

I’ve been slipping…

I’ve been writing every day, but I haven’t been taking this new project by the horns these last two weeks. Sigh. I want to change that tomorrow. I can do this shit. I just need to buckle down and get in there. Stop listening to my own head demons.

They’re always with me, those guys. I have to be vigilant to fight them off.

I was thinking about my new series, about the captain I have at the center of it, and how I want to read a story about a virtuous warrior, the man who fights for good against evil. That’s a powerful story, man. I get it. That’s what I’ve taken away in a nutshell from my research into this genre, that’s my personal “in” for these stories: someone who’s willing to lay down their life to protect the good from evil…that person is a hero. We need people like that.

In the real world, concepts of good and evil get complicated very quickly. Perhaps not the extreme examples of each, particularly evil…but it does get hard to untangle.

I think that’s why such stories resonate so much. A story can be simple. Powerful.

Lots to think about.

Good night 🙂