Jesus. Chernobyl is intense.
We killed dogs this episode. Pet dogs.
Don’t get me wrong, the show is really, really good. It’s the right kind of horrifying, the kind of horrifying that exposes truth and changes policy…which that disaster did.
I worked today and finished a little bit early. Came home and watched the A’s beat the Angels to win their 10th game in a row (which might become their 11th game in a row when they finished the rain-suspended Detroit game in September).
We’re streaky early on this year.
We were playing horribly before this winning streak. We’d lost, like, 8 of our last 10 games. Maybe even worse than that. And now we’ve won ten in a row. I’ll take it. But, hopefully, we can continue the winning and not just the streaking.
I told the author/coach I’d reached out to that I wanted to work one-on-one with him. We’ll see what he says. He might say no, and that’s okay, actually. I have a backup plan. But I hope he says yes.
I ready to write again. I’m ready to find my process again. I’m ready to succeed instead of fail.