Wiped out tonight, but I did just do my writing session.

And I stopped, right when I felt like I was starting to run aground. I’m sure I’ll pick up again tomorrow. Fuck me, if that wasn’t what I’ve been missing these past couple years of struggling so much: the confidence to just put the work aside and come back to it later.

Grinding through is not always the answer. It’s probably not even usually the answer, at least not when you’re first starting a story out. Grind through when you know where you’re going, and it’s just a matter of getting the words out of you onto the page (Ira!)…but don’t grind when you’re figuring out where to go.

Just show up. Write what you got. Then break. Move on.

That’s the new philosophy.

Consistency is what makes that shit possible. And not setting goals based on word counts and due dates, etc etc etc.

I read about an author today who doesn’t set dates like that. All he does is schedule the time to work. That’s it.

I think that might work for me…

After all, how do you schedule inspiration?

You don’t. You just show up every day, ready for her.