Tonight’s has to be a quick one again, but not as quick as last night’s.

I had…an uneven day today. Any of my Netflix co-workers reading this one: I struuuuggled with my Flix work today. I have no idea why. It happened. Sigh…

Tomorrow: I shall do better.

Maybe it’s because I know I can pretty much fly through these pulls I’m doing, and I just procrastinated too long today. Blech. That made me feel anxious for a good part of the day. Hate it. But…tomorrow is another day.

I had a ton of building stuff to handle in the first couple hours of the morning. I know that was at least part of the work (and writing) struggle. But, I handled all that shit like a boss.

I also handled dong the laundry like a boss 😂 That sounds so silly. But it’s true! I oxycleaned alllll of our sheets in one go, plus did all the rest of the laundry, too. I watched about half of the flick Bumblebee, and I watched the A’s beat the Orioles, like they damn well should.

I had a really, really nice evening. Walking the dogs was beautiful. I loved listening to the game, and it was cool and sunny. Then I had some Cheetos and a Slurpee and watched the rest of the game and folded laundry, which just felt amazing. Capped it off with a little bit of snuggles with the Coco and more Bumblebee.

Now, I’ve just finished my writing 10 minutes, and this blog…and it’s sleep time. I want to get up on time, so off to bed with me. Goal is to be working by 9am tomorrow morning, ON TIME.
