I’m so, so grateful I decided to start writing every day before bed.
I had no desire to do it tonight. At all. But I just did two sessions. One for Starstuff, another for Old Glory. Both of them are exciting stuff. I’m excited to write them. Especially Starstuff.
An idea just came to me in the moment, right there as I was thinking that writing tonight would be a waste of time. A good idea. One that I can write. And then I had another one.
I’m more inspired at night. Of this there is no question. The mornings I can do the blue collar work. But the nights are for inspiration.
Gonna keep it on the smaller side tonight because I’m typing this with my thumbs on my iPhone. I did my writing session that way too…gotta get it done.
Work was great today, too. I was busy, but I got everything done I wanted to. Even a bunch of downloads queued up to work while I was at home.
Oi. Tireeeddds. It sleep time.
Pups got their hairs cut today too. So soft. Smell so good… 🤤