I was unstructured today, and it cost me in the psyche department.

I still got stuff done, but I felt rather anxious about it all. And it’s because I didn’t have a clear set of what I was going to do. I struggle to find a balance between over-scheduling my work, which inevitably leads to a schedule that cannot possibly be kept, and under-scheduling my work as a reaction to that anxiety…which leads to the floating kind I suffered from today.

That isn’t to say the solution is terribly complicated: it isn’t. The right amount of scheduling is to set some general time markers, and some goals on what to get done in broad strokes. It’s a formula I’ve used to great success…I just don’t use it sometimes.

I didn’t use it today.

Okay…so here are my broad strokes for tomorrow:

Wake up and leave for work on time.

Finish the core/rewrite document for EfRT in the morning.

Finish the new dream sequence in the afternoon and do a core write up on it in the afternoon.

Divide up the Red Robert scenes as a bonus.

For Netflix work: grab clips for the first two buckets at least on the 24-hour project. Try to get through all of them, if possible.

With that in mind, it’s time for sleep.
