Julianne and Mike have joined houses. Three cheers for the Weston-Ho clan!

The wedding was absolutely gorgeous. It was cold af, but that’s why I brought a nice warm sweater 🙂 And the cold was actually perfect becaaauuuseee…a storm was rolling in. But it didn’t roll in literally until right after the ceremony and they’d finished taking all the rest of the family photos and they were out doing a stroll in the vineyard with the camera crew…

…and it was sunny on one side with these stunning storm clouds rolling in from the other, and there were rainbows and shit, and it started raining right as they were finishing…it was gorgeous. Just gorgeous. Can’t wait to see the photos.

Dinner was dope. Dancing was amazing.

We are wiped out.

J, Mike, I wish you all the happiness and prosperity in the world. You are wonderful together, and I will always treasure today. Thank you for inviting me.
