Man, writing is a gd rollercoaster for me right now. The ups and downs.

I had a breakthrough on this scene today. I was tired as fuck, but I got to work on time and I sat down and I banged out my morning session and there it was: the scene I’d been looking for.


Carried over into my second session, too, after work. Magic.

And then I thought of something the scene needed, and so I tried to put it in tonight…and it’s not perfect. Uuuuuggghhh. 😂

I so wanted to be writing this entry and going to be tonight on that high I was feeling earlier. Instead, I’m going to bed knowing that what I have still isn’t quite perfect…it’s pretty damn close, probably close enough to finally move on, actually…but also knowing that I only had that breakthrough today because I slogged through the bullshit for the previous several days.

It was worth it. It’s always worth it. Because I’ve found that once a scene is working, the domino effect of what comes after multiplies. It builds into a whirlwind, pulls like gravity faster and faster until I’m blinking exhausted and I have a story in my hands that I know deep down works.

It’s worth it for me to put in those slog days where I feel like I’m spinning my wheels. I’m not. I’m digging. I’m doing work.

Speaking of, work was good today. Busy. Had some stuff with tight turnarounds. But, handled it like a boss.

Also got all of the Cutting Room Floor episodes up for public consumption. Just need to double check I didn’t screw anything up, and then we’ll be ready to move over to our new podcast host for 2020. Yes, doing the move a couple months early. Not because our existing host has been bad. Rather, this other host is better.

Exhausting week. Crazy that on Monday, we were all the way up in Portland.

I’m wiped.
