I have to say…this 20 Books conference has been a bit overwhelming. And not in a bad way. Just…overwhelming.
My head is swimming in a mixture of excitement, fear, possibilities, choices, upsides, downsides and plans, hopes, dreams, nightmares…it’s a lot.
I wanted this life. I wanted the success of these inspirational people. And then I stumbled, and am recovering, and it’s scary to want it again…while also feeling like some new, necessary perspectives have changed me in the process.
Which is to say; I feel like I’m going to need a bit to process everything this conference has made me think and feel. And I think that’s going to have a large impact on this coming year.
There are decisions to be made.
What a great conference. Last day went smooth. Our group of AV volunteers were absolutely amazing. Cheers to them. I’m really looking forward to watching and listening to all the recordings we made of the panels and presentations.
Had dinner with a group of SciFi authors, which was lovely. Had a few drinks at the bar.
Sleep. So tired 😂