Day 2,212: A Quick

Day 2,212: A Quick

Maaannn… Been freaking exhausted all day. All day today. BUT…sometimes those are the best work days. I wrote a good scene this morning. It was pure, true, vivid. A keeper. Working on getting there with the current scene. It’s such a process with this...
Day 2,211: That Hard Sleep

Day 2,211: That Hard Sleep

Coco sleeps that hard sleep now. The old sleep, where it takes a second to wake her up. She doesn’t hear me immediately, or smell me. I wake her gently, with a rub or two, and she’s woozy for a second, and then she’s up like she’s always up....
Day 2,210: That Feeling When…

Day 2,210: That Feeling When…

That feeling when you recorded a podcast episode, and then through a series of really stupid decisions, lost the recorded audio for that podcast. I could have saved the situation. I think that, specifically, is why this one is so hard to let go of. I could have saved...
Day 2,209:

Day 2,209:

It’s so good to be home. I’m looking forward to work tomorrow. Looking forward to getting there on time (which means making a bit of a quick entry tonight), to meditating and writing, getting a full day of work in, then writing a bit more. Josh and I...
Day 2,208: Success Runs Through Happiness

Day 2,208: Success Runs Through Happiness

My success has always run a direct route right through my own level of happiness and contentment. I realized that at therapy today. What I fear about stepping away from Netflix is not that I won’t or can’t succeed. I already know I can. I’ve done it...