Day 2,202: prep

Day 2,202: prep

Crazy day today. I did so much stuff. Took care of pups in the AM. Drove a stool sample from Coco to the vet to be tested. Bought new shirts for Vegas (and work – I need them). Did laundry. Tested our computers for the conference. Fed pups and walked them for...
Day 2,201: Milestone coming

Day 2,201: Milestone coming

Oh, man… I just realized that there’s a milestone coming with the bloggity blog: day number 2,222…it’s been 1,111 days since I last had an entry that was four of the same number all in a row. Definitely makes me want to go back and read that...
Day 2,200: Old Chum

Day 2,200: Old Chum

Life is a Cabaret, old chum. Podcasted tonight. Josh had an epiphany tonight: he likes musicals 😂 I’m freaking wiped, so I’ll make this one short. It was a solid day today. Exhausted. Time for the sleeps!
Day 2,199: Whew

Day 2,199: Whew

I am wiiiiiiped out tonight. Usually with an extra day of podcasting in a week, I’m pretty tired the following work day. This week, it was the second day 😂 But, today was very productive. Got stuff done at work. Was a bit late because I also walked the...
Day 2,198: Eventually

Day 2,198: Eventually

I have all my best ideas eventually. That’s the phrase that just came to my mind as I was wrapping up my writing session for the night time. I finished collecting notes and rewrite thoughts for my editor so I’m ready to go when we meet tomorrow morning....