The Niners are the number one seed in the NFC. That won’t mean jack shit to anyone who doesn’t follow football, but it means a lot to 49er fans 😂
Got to watch the game with Mike. That was super fun.
Also got to hang out with Scott and Addie today and go through my stuff from the parents’ house that they’d brought up for us to sort through. It was a lot of stuff that was easy to throw away. But I also found some stuff that was pretty cool and timeless.
It also makes me think that I need to do a nice clean-out of the closet of stuff I have in Liz’s office. Get rid of some stuff. For sure. Looking forward to doing that, actually. Very much indeed.
Lin made food for dinner. Coco is snuggled up against me in bed. The Niners ended one of their best seasons ever. And home awaits us tomorrow.
Life is good. Very, very good.