I love writing.
Like…reclined, fingers on the keyboard, headphones on with music playing, diving into my imagination…I love it. So much.
I don’t know if I’ve really forgotten that, but getting into bed tonight, putting the music on and setting up to write this entry really just made me feel that love. It’s one of the great joys of my life. That’s why it was so painful when I felt like I’d lost it . . . But even that I think of less and less these days.
I’m not on a particularly good writing streak at the moment, but even through all of this, I still have put in at least a few minutes of work each day on the writing, and tomorrow, I break ground on a new story. I’m not sure for how long. That depends on a couple things over the next few weeks, how they fall into place.
While I’m waiting for those things to fall in place, I’ll be breaking down the last several chapters of Escape From Red Tower and then strategizing on what the rewrite will look like for that book. So, it might be a short little excursion into this new book . . . But I might also shelve EfRT for a few months, too, which honestly won’t be the worst thing in the world.
Don’t get me wrong, that book is getting finished. But there are some things I still have to figure out, and letting my unconscious work on it awhile while my conscious effort is focused elsewhere will only ever help that process, I think.
There was a time very recently where I despaired over how much time there was between when I finished Starstuff and when I came back to rewrite it, but now I think that was a blessing. Harder to ramp up getting back into the story, sure, but I can’t argue with how I feel like it ended up: it worked. The story works. And that’s all I need.
Still feeling discombobulated. For sure. Working from home; this was day 2. Still feeling out my routine. But, I’m busy, and that helps. It’s easy to stay focused and productive when there’s a lot to do.
Bed time. Going to try waking up on time tomorrow morning. Then slowly pushing that back till I’m waking up when I need to with my new work situation.
It’s going to be 2 hours of writing in the morning before work. All at once.
And I think I’m going to love it.