Starting to get sick of being sick…

It’s been a week. Two weeks, really, of feeling wiped out all the time.

I’m better. Today, I really felt better. But I’m not done with it yet. I’ll still go through several hours a day of feeling achy, tired, brain-zapped, headache, etc. SICK. Blech. I’m over it.

I feel totally disconnected from my normal routine. Not-rested. I’ll sleep for 9 hours and even take a nap during the day, but wake up exhausted.

Just feeling kind of down tonight, I guess.

I watched Live and Let Die and I kinda hated it. And here’s the thing, I actually don’t mind Roger Moore as Bond. I think he can actually do just fine. It was the film itself; voodoo, black pimps, drugs…it was just so freaking 70s. Not my era. In the slightest.

Hopefully the next one is better.

Feeling grumpy may have had something to do with it, though I doubt it. These later Bond films just don’t have the feeling of the 60s films. Those were so charming, so stylish, so timeless. The later films feel so DATED.

Work is going fine. Got a little behind on one particular project because of a misunderstanding, but I was able to pivot pretty quickly, and I should still be able to deliver on time tomorrow.

I want to write. That’s really was has me grumpy. But I haven’t been able to try. Maybe I should try that tomorrow. I don’t know. We’ll see how I feel.

Blech 😛

Sorry this one has been so much complaining! It just sucks to be sick. But…I am getting better. Genuinely. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s close. I bet after this weekend, I’ll be back on my feet.

Can’t freeeaaakkkkinnggg wait 🙂