Omg you guys…




Like…actually better. I felt normal today, with the singular exception that I feel more tired than normal in that post-trial exhaustion way. So, not back to 100%, but I didn’t feel SICK today once. Not once.

And it’s definitely the antibiotics that make my mouth taste like ass. The taste comes and goes depending on when I take a dose, so it’s got to be that for sure. Blech. Four more days of that stuff. Then I’m done.

And if my symptoms stay away for the next two days, then Liz and I can actually hang out together again. It’s been so fucking hard not to be able to be with each other the past 10 days or so. It’s honestly made me depressed. Legit depressed.


I’m looking forward to so many things. Simple things. Like, sitting and watching a movie together. Eating together. Making my own food. Waking up early and writing. Going outside to walk the dogs. Being together in our new bed with our new coverlet top that we got that’s so soft. Podcasting. Beating Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe…(so close on that one, only like five or six levels left to completely beat everything in the game).


Very, very soon.