It rained today. It was raining tonight, even, as we took the dogs out. But it was that light rain that you can stand in and not get instantly wet, but you can hear it and feel it. Easy rain.

That’s most often how it rains in LA, easy rain. It rarely rains HARD here. Not like Humboldt rain, which comes with winds and in great big wet drops that are thick enough to make it so you can’t see while you’re driving. Every so often it rains like that down here, but most of the time, it’s light; the kind of rain you can open your window or sliding patio door and listen to.

Work was busy. I was a little tired. But I got everything done. I got to podcast with Josh, which I’m so happy about. Episode will go up tomorrow once I’ve had a chance to stitch it all together. He recorded his end over at his house, and I recorded mine. Just have to sync them up and then do a little editing. It was a great conversation.

And then Liz and I watched Birds of Prey, which is the latest DC Universe movie about Harley Quinn. It was…disappointing. It had potential, and there were still some fun moments, for sure, but it was a mess. Frustrating.

Telling stories is hard, yo. Even when it should work, it doesn’t always. I hope it’s not the last we see of Margot Robbie as Harley, though, because she’s absolutely wonderful.

Night 😉