The DJ controller came today. And…it’s awesome.

It’s so awesome, in fact, that even Liz spent like an hour and a half playing a set tonight, and she’s currently loading up a playlist of her favorite songs to play more. Not tonight, but you know, in the future.

The combination of the controller with Beatport’s new streaming music service is game changing. For real. We couldn’t have picked a better, more exciting time to get back into playing. (Almost) the ENTIRE catalogue of Beatport’s music is now at our fingertips, on the fly, playable with a pro-level controller. It’s mind-blowing.

No more agonizing over which tracks to buy and which ones to never play. No more stressing over getting the beatmatching perfect. No more worrying even which genre to stick to. It’s all there for the taking, all ready to play flawlessly, and rather than taking anything away from the experience, the extra time now while the song is playing can be spent enjoying it and fiddling with effects or getting the mix transitions just perfect.

It’s dope.

I’m exhausted. What a week.

What a week!