Life is intense right now.

Intense in the way that my life feels turned upside down. I have to imagine that ALL our lives feel like that right now. It’s certainly true for me. My routine has been totally destroyed, and that always makes me feel lost for a while.

I even forgot to write this entry last night!

I got sucked into filling out my writing journal, something I’d been unconsciously avoiding because it’s rather depressing how much of it I can’t fill in with color because I’ve missed so many writing sessions.

BUT…filling it all in made me feel better. It really did. It reminded me, I guess, that I still have been writing. With the exception of the week I was sick, I’ve written every day.

And so my day yesterday ended on a positive. It was a good primer for today…which from the POV of this entry is tomorrow. lol. Oops.

Okay…now to write TODAY’s entry. I mean tomorrow’s.

You get it.