I always feel recharged after podcasting. Filled up.

It’s exhausting, don’t get me wrong. But, exhausted isn’t the same as depleted. Not at all. Sometimes when we’re our most tired is when we filled the most filled or inspired or just content.

Writing was good today. I was able to drop in and just do it. I’m almost done with this particular scene, then I move onto the next. I’m afraid they both need some editing and rewriting, but goddamn if I don’t think I can totally do that.

Anyway…Liz played a set tonight and recorded it, and we sat and listened to it while I ate dinner, and I freaking loved it. It really reflects my own feelings about coming back to this music stuff…i love it all. I’m not worried so much about anything other than just what I love doing/playing/listening to, and that means all genres of music. And that’s what her set was like. A bit of everything.

Time for sleep. I stayed up late getting the podcast ready. Need to sleep. Night 😉