Was just discussing with Liz how New Zealand is the place to be right now. They’re re-opening their economy because they were able to get the virus under control so quickly. Certainly, they were a bit lucky, but also certainly it’s because they acted with precision and swiftness. That’s good leadership.

There’s so much money in our politics. Our government doesn’t work for us. They work for the money. It’s an entirely different system filled with entirely different people. I honestly don’t know how much longer it’s going to last.

New Zealand. NEW Zealand…I wonder where Zealand is 🤔

Just looked it up. It’s in Denmark! Does that mean New Zealand was a Danish colony, originally? Huh.

So, no. It’s indeed of British colonial heritage. But it was “discovered” by Dutch (so, from the Netherlands, not Denmark) explorers who thought it looked like the Danish island. What an insane, terrible time in human history, the colonial period.

I had a great day today. Really great. Not anxious. Happy. Got everything done I wanted to, which wasn’t much, by design. Laundry, music, cleaning, Avatar: The Last Airbender (only a handful episodes left!), walks with Liz and pups both morning and evening, Sushi (!)…it was a really great day off.

Time for sleeps!