Feeling more like myself.

Today wasn’t a zero day, but it was a tough one. Kind of. At least in terms of what I’d planned to do, writing-wise. But, I was inspired this morning, and so I sketched out a little scene that was further into the story than what I’m working on right now.

Really, what threw me is that I was so freaking tired this morning when my alarm went off. Like, unusually tired. I don’t know if I got crap sleep for some reason, or what, but I was going to be groggy, cranky, and not sharp if I got up at that time. So, I slept for another 45 minutes.

That always makes me anxious…but damn if I didn’t rally and have a pretty great day, actually. Work was a bit scattered again, but I still feel like I have enough time tomorrow and Friday to actually finish up this project (like, two weeks early!). I hope that happens. We’ll see. I think I’ll get close, at least.

So, yeah, writing was good. Scattered, but good. Same with tonight. But, I’m going to bed ON TIME and that should help a lot with my productivity in the morning.

Reading went great today with Starstuff, almost done with the entire book! It will be exactly a week from today, I think. Hmm. Maybe Tuesday next week, actually. Either way…only a few chapters left and then I have the ENTIRE book read. For free. Pretty dope.

Walks with bears were nice, tonight, though there were a lot of people out. It’s nicer when we’re by ourselves, for sure. But it was beautiful out. Cool. But not cold. Nice little breeze. Sunset was beautiful with clouds in the sky. This is my favorite time of year. March, when it still rains, April when it’s sunny but not hot, and even May when it starts to warm up just a little.

Got the podcast episode for tomorrow up and ready to go. I’d really love to get next week’s edited and up too, since we’re back to being a week ahead now. That way it doesn’t matter what day of the week we record on, which is nice. We’ll stay on schedule either way.

Ate some food. Played a little bit of Beat Saber with bear. It was a great day and night.