Day 2,369: Crushing the Curve

Day 2,369: Crushing the Curve

Was just discussing with Liz how New Zealand is the place to be right now. They’re re-opening their economy because they were able to get the virus under control so quickly. Certainly, they were a bit lucky, but also certainly it’s because they acted with precision...
Day 2,368: Solid

Day 2,368: Solid

Solid day. Work was a success. Got a lot done. I figured out how to fix my computer’s iCloud sync issue. Walked the pups with Liz in the evening, then we watched Ant-man as we ate dinner. Underrated movie. Not perfect, but super solid. DJ’d for an hour and got some...
Day 2,367: Up and Down

Day 2,367: Up and Down

I had an up and down day today. It started a bit down. I was sitting in my office realizing that I hadn’t sent off this thing I bought and was returning yet, and it was really stressing me out. I had this vendor ship me something that was supposed to be brand new, but...
Day 2,366: Filled Up

Day 2,366: Filled Up

I always feel recharged after podcasting. Filled up. It’s exhausting, don’t get me wrong. But, exhausted isn’t the same as depleted. Not at all. Sometimes when we’re our most tired is when we filled the most filled or inspired or just content. Writing was good today....
Day 2,365: Baby House

Day 2,365: Baby House

I’m listening to a little house mix I did before bed tonight. I love house. I didn’t really love it before when I DJ’d. I do now. I don’t know…I’ve gotten less picky, I guess. More open to anything, particularly given that we’re paying a flat rate right now for...