It’s a hard place to find in life, the sweet spot where you’re not holding on too tight so as to strangle the joy out of everything, and too loose so as to not be putting in the time necessary to finish something.

I swing between both of those extremes quite often, or at least it feels like it. I swing because of anxiety and fear and all the other dark stuff that holds me back.

But the sweet spot is neither of those extremes. It is balance. And clarity. And calm confidence.

I feel closer to that right now than I have in a very long time. Which is weird to say, because I don’t feel exactly like I’m crushing it right now, per se, because I’m not…but I do feel steady. I do feel like I just need to put in the work, and I will get where I want to go. One day at a time. One tiny piece at a time.

This is the feeling I wanted when I went full time a couple years ago with writing. And rather than that being frustrating, right now it just feels like relief.

I’m in a good place.

Solid day today. Work was hectic, but nothing I caused. I was able to step in and be the helping hand, in fact, which I always like doing.

Night everyone 🙂