So, I’m into streaming music now 😂

I think I’m going to go with Twitch. We’ll see. Gonna try Mixcloud, too. But Twitch is insane. There are SO MANY people on that platform. But, to get my account up and running, I have to prove to them that I’m actually going to USE it…so many streams on so many days for a certain amount of time, so many viewers, etc.


I started streaming my “practice” sets today. Why not? Might get me on the decks more consistently anyway, you know? They’re not as visually interesting as doing the whole setup with the green screen and video in the bg, but whatevs. And this way I have some stuff recorded, you know? I’m listening to it right now, actually. I found some REALLY GOOD music the other day and played it for the first time today.

Damn. This one track. “Still We Remain” I think it’s called. Daaaammmmnnn. It’s *doin* it for me. Hardcore.

Anywho. Time for bed. Rocked my work today, especially the writing. Two sessions. 3+ pages (goal was 3). And good writing too. It gets to stay. I love this current story. Loooooove it.
