Day 2,396: Hardcore

Day 2,396: Hardcore

I played some music tonight after walking the pups. “Hardcore” is what it’s called, though there are of course various sub-genres within that umbrella…and it’s so fun. Absolutely bonkers, but so fun. What I didn’t realize about it was that a good 50% of music,...
Day 2,395: Zonked

Day 2,395: Zonked

Holy crap, I am wiped the fuck out. And all I did was work all day and then podcast. Jesus. Lol. Podcasting does take it out of you, though. Or, rather, me. I know it’s true for Josh, too. It’s exhausting. In the best freaking way. I’m that very happy, content...
Day 2,394: Red Tide

Day 2,394: Red Tide

Off day today. My writing time was spent debating and thinking about political stuff, which was…consuming, I guess. It all ended well, but it was…consuming. Work was great. And we went out to Marina Del Rey to see if we could catch the bioluminescent algae...
Day 2,393: Odinson

Day 2,393: Odinson

About half of the Marvel movies are really good. That’s what I realized today. In each of the phases, three of the six are good. Many of them very good, and a few truly excellent. In the first phase, it’s Iron Man, Captain America’s first movie, and Avengers. In the...
Day 2,392: The Move

Day 2,392: The Move

Moved Two Guys One Trek over to a new podcast provider today. We’ve spent the last four years with SoundCloud, but they’re not the easiest to use for podcasting. They’re better just as a website/player. They did well for us up to this point, but we run Film School...