Played a set with bear tonight. It was sooooo muuuuuch fun. I dug into her playlist of songs to see what she has. Some dope stuff. I need to add it to my own 😛
Sloooowly starting to get to know the music I have. A lot of really, really fun stuff in there. I love playing. And I love streaming it, too. It kinda gets me over there every day to play, which also makes me feel accomplished, kinda.
Gotta finish.
I’ve fell of the wagon a bit this week in terms of pushing forward. I was so productive the past couple weeks before, and then I got tired. I’m going to push through that shit tomorrow. I have to get TG1T done. It’s so close. I can freaking do it. Going to do it.
Also need to read through and make notes on my manuscript tomorrow. I’ll try to, anyway. Sometimes that takes longer than I expect. So, I’ll be happy if I can finish tomorrow, and I’ll be happy if I finish Friday. Either way. Gotta do it.
Gotta finish.
I want to be a full-time writer. I *can* be a full-time writer. I just need to keep pushing forward. Get the work done. It’s different this time. I’m actually enjoying myself.