The little AC we have in our bedroom goes “vroom” when I turn it on.

I guess it’s not that “small,” this new AC that we have. It’s pretty large, actually. It takes up the whole far corner of the bedroom. It’s white. The kind that wheel around on the floor and connect to the window with hoses.

We like to be cool at night, Liz and I. We grew up where it was cold in the evening times. But, we don’t like to run our central air if we’re not using the rest of the house, which we aren’t during the day. So…we have this guy. Winnie the Cool. And he goes “vroom.”

So-so work day. I’m definitely still fatigued. But, the finish line is in sight. Or, at least the finish line for this week before we take some time off. I can make it.

Podcasted. Worked. Handed the building back over to Liz. Looking forward to a normal day tomorrow. Can’t freaking wait.