So, we bought a camera about a week ago. Our first REAL camera. We’ve been using our iphones to take photos now for the past ten years. I’ve never had a CAMERA camera before.
Now we do. It’s called a Sony a6400, and it’s really cool. Got a good deal on it—a great one, actually. So good, I think it may have been a mistake. The store that was selling it for the price we got immediately took that online listing down as soon as we bought it.
Today, a BUNCH of the accessories I’d ordered came in. I went a little crazy with them all…a LITTLE. Most of them are only like $20 apiece, but some of them were a little more pricey. Like getting the official Sony brand batteries, for example. Probably didn’t NEED to get the brand name batteries, but while we were using our friend’s camera on our trip, we noticed that the camera had problems with the third party batteries—it would shut off randomly, wasn’t as responsive, the charge didn’t last as long, etc. So, I decided I wanted to get the band-name stuff whenever I could. Easily spent an “extra” hundred dollars or so doing that rather than going third party…but I had the money saved. I don’t regret it.
That stuff came in today, and I spent a couple hours after work putting it all together. A blower thing to clean off dust, an AC power supply for when I use it as a webcam to stream my DJ sets, a bag to put it all in, a card reader, a wall charger…
All that stuff makes me very, very happy. And it doesn’t last forever. Like, getting all this accessory gear reminds me a lot of putting together the DJ setup. I really do get it to the place I want it, and then I’m done.
Almost done with the camera. A holster is coming in for walking around with it, plus I’m testing a cheaper wrist strap to see if it’s sufficient or if I’m going to have to go for the more expensive one…and then I’m done for a while. There is a lens or two I’ll probably want over the next year or so…but done for a while. Ready to use it. Get used to it.
I used it to stream my house set today on Twitch and it worked INCREDIBLY. Such an upgrade over the webcams, holy shit.
I love it.